HashiCorp Vault Associate 002
What is Vault ?
Vault manage Secrets and Protect Sensitive Data like :
- Username and passwords
- Certificates
- API Keys
- Encryption Keys
Vault has 3 Interfaces :
- CLI (Machines and Humans)
- UI (Humans)
- API (Machines)
Everithing in Vault could be do with API.
Token Generation : A user authenticated to Vault with Username & Password or TLS Certificate or else. Vault Generate a Token who is valid for 4 Hours (TTL)
Token Usage : Someone try to retrieve Data from a Path: Vault verify :
- Token is Valid
- Token is not Expired
- Token has Permission
If each verification is OK => Vault return the requested data. We present our token, We don't authenticate again.
Vault HA Cluster
To join Vault Cluster :
vault operator raft join VAULT_URL
After joining, we need to unseal the Vault with :
vault operator unseal
We can list each node in the HA with :
vault operator raft list-peers
We can step-down a vault to tranfer the leadership to another HA member with :
vault operator step-down
Master Key encrypt the Encryption Key who encrypt Data